(thematic section edited by Giorgio Valentino Federici and Severino Saccardi)

The intention of this thematic section, the content of which, will be discussed at the Conference that “Testimonianze” will be promoting with “Europe Direct” in Florence on November the 29th 2021 together, is to meditate on the global issues such as climate change and environmental devastation. By analysing complex and hot topics like the deadline of the COP26 and the challenges awaiting the countries of the EU for the management of the resources made available by the NextgenerationEU package the articles provide us with food for thought. The articles underline the existence of a plurality of positions and results. However, there is an element of convergence that is the urging invitation of the new generation, which in tune with the position of Pope Francis and his encyclical “Laudato Sì”, to the European ruling class to “hurry up”.